Tuesday, April 24, 2012

“Facing the Road Ahead” Part 1 "Never Give Up"

Sunday April 22, 2012 Sermon Rom. 8:28-35,37-39, John 10:27-30


We begin the Transition Process in earnest today with a sermon series titled, “Facing the Road Ahead.”  

I’ve heard some of you ask why it is necessary to do this. First, it’s important you let some time pass between pastorates, given that Pastor Barry was here for 25 years. There needs to be time to grieve and to process what it means to not have your long term pastor present. You need time to understand things will be different from now on.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, this time is an opportunity to look within and come to some understanding of who you are as Cross Lutheran. To ask questions about what it is Cross Lutheran wants to be into the future. What will be her mission and how she will go about her work.

Thirdly, this is an opportunity to discover, and to find meaning and purpose of who and what Cross Luther will be into the future. This series and those that will follow are meant to help engage the whole congregation in the transition process. It meant for the congregation to think and reflect in an intentional way about the direction of ministry for the future. It’s meant to help stimulate conversation, evaluate and assess, clarify ministry, and to challenge you to discover the mission and ministry of Cross Lutheran.

So… we start today by “Facing the Road Ahead.”

And the road ahead seems daunting and uncertain. We are living in difficult and uncertain times for sure. While some families are doing ok, many families continue to struggle financially, there continues to be high unemployment and under employment, and when we look at our communities we see civil strife, beatings and murders, robberies, and abuse in most if not all sectors of our society. The media and TV talking heads seem more times than not to fan the flames of uncertainty and fear. And as you may think some of this fear and anxiety even finds its way into the church as well.

For example:
-       Pr retires and now what will we do with no Pastor?
-       Why do we have to wait so long?
-       Why do we have to do this process & reflection?
-       It seems the road is so long and difficult.
-       These questions are based on fear and uncertainty and based on our own methods    to survive.
-       And the transition process is based on hope and faith that God provides.
Pr. Peter Marty of St Paul Luth. Davenport Iowa, wrote in the Lutheran Magazine, “Fear keeps telling us there is not enough to go around. Not enough time, not enough resources, not enough strength, not enough grace, not enough patients, not enough God.” Marty continues, “Trusting Faith believes in God’s sufficiency no matter what… trusting faith simply lends us the courage to walk through those fears.”
Jesus tells us multiple times to NOT be afraid…. DO NOT FEAR.
-       Jesus says in our story today, “My sheep know my voice. And I know them… they will never be lost.”
-       Paul says, “If God is on our side, can anyone be against us.”
-       Paul continues, “Nothing can separate us from God’s love.”

What this tells us is if Jesus is central to our faith the difficulties and uncertainties will be minimal and we will be able to preserver… And we will NEVER GIVE UP… We’ll Never Give Up despite the storm clouds… despite the seeming endless road… despite the situations and circumstances of our lives… NEVER GIVE UP!!!

I’d like to reflect on 3 reasons to Never Give Up…

 “Remain Connected to Jesus”
The first reason to Never Give Up is to remain connected to Jesus. Peter says in his sermon in Acts 3… “God sent his chosen Son to you because God wanted to bless you.” Prior to Pentecost, Peter was an emotional wreck… in fact all the disciples weren’t all that confident that God was blessing them. They were holed up in a room scared to death. They had trouble believing what was happening to them. They were challenged in their faith and wondered what it all meant. At Pentecost that all changed and Peter finds a new confidence in Jesus, he chastises the religious people in the temple and basically says, “All God desires is that people turn back to Him.” Do you want to reduce your propensity to give up…Stay connected to Jesus? Friends… we… all of us… need to consistently discover ways to stay connected to Jesus and it will lessen our reasons to Give Up.

“Follow Jesus”
The second reason to Never Give Up is to become an intentional follower of Jesus.
Jesus says in John 10:27… “My sheep know my voice, and I know them… and they follow me.”
Are you following Jesus? This question revolves around the issue of Discipleship or as I like to refer as… learning to follow Jesus. We will reflect on this more specifically at another time. But, essentially following Jesus has 6 principles or practices that we need to do consistently… they are…
o    Community Prayer… Worship… Learning… Serving
o    Relationship Building… and Generosity
When we are intentionally and consistently living these practices or principles we are following Jesus… we are staying connected to Jesus. And when we are doing this we will Never Give Up!

 “God Loves You No Matter What”
The third reason to never give up is that God loves you no matter what.
Paul says in Romans 8:33-35… “If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them? Or can anyone condemn them? No indeed! Christ died and was raised to life, and now he is at God's right side, speaking to him for us. Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death?
Paul continues by saying, “Nothing can separate you from the love of God.

Prior to coming to Cross I had been without a call for 7 months. One gets a little nervous when you begin to run out of living resources… i.e. money. It is easy to give when you don’t see God doing all that much on your behalf. There are glimpses of God’s work… there were times when money showed up that helped out at just the right time. It really gets down to holding on to trusting God’s provision and perseverance… as Paul states, even through the difficulties God is present. Because as Paul sees it… “If God is with us, can anyone be against us.”
So… giving up is not an option… I am not going to let you give up. I am going to keep you focused on what God is doing and what God will do and it is not to give up. You will not give up because you will remain connected to Jesus… because you will intentionally follow Jesus… and because you will know that God loves us no matter what.

In Closing:

This is kind of a humorous story, but this story lends itself to what we’ve been talking about.

Chuck Evans was a parishioner in a former congregation. What’s unique about Chuck is that he has an eye disorder that is making him blind. He is currently 80% blind today. The humorous part is that Chuck works for the IRS… that’s right… the Internal Revenue Service. At some point he knows he will no longer be able to work there, but until that time the IRS makes accommodations for him. Chuck was when he could see was an accountant, and when he was part of the congregation I was serving he was about 70% blind and I asked him to be our treasurer. He laughed and said, “You know that I’m legally blind” and you want me to serve as a treasure? I said, “Yes I know and yes I want you to do this.” I told him, “Lets both pray on it.” He agreed. Chuck was ready to give up in his life. He saw no way to be a productive person. After praying about it for a few days, he came to me with tears streaming down his face accepting the invitation and saying, “You are the first pastor who never saw my blindness as a limitation.”

Honestly, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and I just knew he could do the job and frankly, I don’t like seeing anyone give up…

I pray you too will Never Give Up!! The Road Ahead Continues…

See You Out on the Road.

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