Thursday, November 1, 2012

Series: GIFT... “In Faith”

Sunday Oct. 28, 2012 Sermon
Mark 12:41-44

Father’s… maybe you can relate with this… The father of the bride kissed his daughter after he walked her down the aisle, after which the daughter placed something in her father's hand and gave him a kiss.

The congregation erupted into laughter. What she had placed in her father's hand, that the pastor couldn't see, was his American Express Card.
Made any costly choices in your life lately?


We continue our series Generosity In Faith Together as a way to understand the biblical narrative of stewardship and what it means to live a generous life. We’re doing this using the acronym GIFT…. Generosity I Faith Together… as a way to reflect on how God has blessed each of us and How God challenges each of us to use these gifts as a blessing to others.

Last week we reflected on the G… Generosity… portion of the acronym on what it means to live a generous life.

Today… our focus will be on the I & F.. “In Faith” portion.

Often… we equate going to church with having faith, or that going to church makes me a Christian. Faith or being a Christian doesn’t come because we go to church each week, nor from the rites, rituals, or traditions we have. Faith comes when we make a concerted effort to turning our hearts towards God. The Greek word “Metanoia”… translated as “Repent”… means to “Turn Back to God.” Only then… will we begin to grow in faith.

In all of our Bible readings today… being faithful is the emphasis.
OT reading King David praises God that the people were faithful in their generosity to build a temple.
Our 2nd reading Paul, tells the people not to judge peoples generosity, but to be faithful to the one we work for.
And in the Gospel story the widow gives her last pennies, not out of duty, but out of faith. The context of our gospel story is Jesus and the widow is a contrast to the story before where the church leaders are taking the temple offerings for themselves and their own needs as a way to make themselves look better. Jesus uses the widow as an example of her need and her faith compared to the wealth and faithless of the church leaders.

Often time’s people usually think of giving to the church and to charities as an option. Money for charitable giving comes out of the surplus after personal expenses have been met… and those necessary expenses often include entertainment, clothes, food, and toys. This isn’t surprising as it is the mantra of the church leaders in Jesus’ day…. It often happens in our day as well…  To live in faith is a challenge most of us experience. Our talk is often much better than our walk.

This shouldn’t surprise us… throughout the bible we see God’s people being faithful…. Only to turn and be unfaithful.

Why do you think this happens?

Joyce Meyer has said, “Can you imagine Jesus traveling around the country today with his disciples talking about how hard everything was? Can you picture him discussing how difficult going to the cross was going to be...of how he dreaded the things ahead...or how frustrating it was to live under the conditions of their daily lives: roaming the countryside with no place to call home, no roof over their heads, no bed to sleep in at night? You and I have the mind of Christ, and we can handle things the way he did: by looking at the abundance we’ve been given, not the sacristy we perceive.”

I believe we are less faithful because Faith requires risk. And… we often choose to be comfortable rather than risk. What are You Risking today?

On the wall in my office is a plaque titled “RISK” it says,
If you haven’t Risked, You have not gained.
If you haven’t Gained, You have not Failed.
If you haven’t Failed, You have not Learned,
If you haven’t Learned, You have not Risked.

Throughout the Bible we read of the Risk God’s people took in Faith.
-       Noah… building an Ark… primarily in a desert region… think of the risk this old man took…
-       Abe… leaving his homeland to go to a land God promised, but didn’t tell him where… and nearly sacrificing his son.
-       Moses…. Standing up to Pharaoh… taking people on a 40 year journey.
-       All the Prophets who stood against the powers of their times.
-       John the Baptist… Nicodemus…. Think of the risk Nicodemus took to have a conversation with Jesus… think of the risk all of Jesus’ friends took… who left jobs and family to follow someone they didn’t know.
-       And the widow in our story today…. She took the risk and give all she had.

Someone once said, “Faith is not trusting God to get something, Faith is trusting God when there seems to be nothing left.”

In many ways God is challenging us to put our money where our mouth is. We tend to talk a lot about ministry, but often have trouble putting it into action. While we’ve been living with economic challenges in South East Mich, I believe we’ve still been given an abundance of resources nonetheless.
-       In Faith… I left a comfortable job and life to go to college , then seminary to have a new vocation.
-       In Faith… you chose to participate in a transition process of rediscovery.
-       In Faith… you are risking serving areas that are uncomfortable like McRest.
-       In Faith… we continue learning to be faithful followers.

I talk to people all the time who want to have a deeper faith life. When I ask them what they are doing to have this…. They often say “Nothing”. The reason people in Jesus’ day didn’t follow him is no different than it is today… they weren’t willing to risk in faith.

A couple of years ago a 4 yr old boy named Domminc was murdered near where I live. Perhaps you heard about this. During that horrific week our local news channel ran a story of an unknown woman who did not know this family, but took the risk to help nonetheless. I don’t know if this woman was responding because of her faith, but she had enough faith to risk a response to a grieving family.

We are living in a time, not of Faith vs Doubt, but Faith vs Belief. People are believing anything & everything, but have faith in very little.

My friends… be encouraged to live in the abundance God has blessed us with… “In Faith” today.

See You Out on the Road

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