Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year... New Normal... Part 2

Yes... it's a New Year. I'm sitting in the same place as I was last year on this day. Just like the picture to the left... only at the moment I'm not sitting with my dog Sweeny. But... nonetheless, I'm sitting staring out the window wonder what the year will bring.

I've been serving as an interim at Cross Lutheran in Clinton Twp, Mich. (located near Mt. Clemens, Mi.) for 10 months. The congregation has gone through the intentional transition tasks after a 25 year pastorate. They have done this very well. Cross is a pretty healthy congregation, while some have voiced some discontent with the process, the vast majority have welcomed the change and the process. They are now in a position to commission a call team which will be accomplished by the end of January. The bishop has been notified and a synod bishop assistant will be coming at the end of the month to brief the congregation on the next step. I believe, if all goes well they will have their profile completed and ready to interview shortly after Easter.

As for me... not sure what will happen. Of course, there is a group of people who would like me to stay. My stance has been "no", but odd things do happen. All I want to do is to do the best job I can with this interim with the hopes of moving on to another when the times comes. I've said... if you can convince the bishop that I would make a good candidate, then I might consider it. I'm just hoping the bishop see's the value of intentional interim ministry and can move me into another place to do that ministry without much hicup.

Though the yearly emotional roller-coaster isn't fun and the speculation of what "if's" probably isn't none to healthy on the body either. And... the emotions of leaving Cross and some of the relationships that do take place is the most challenging. But, this too shall pass and will move on to other places. I believe I've done a pretty good job this time around of keeping perspective on this front. While I've had some meaningful relationships (It's impossible not too) I've managed them pretty well. I don't think I will have as much of an issue this time as I've had previously. I guess I've been more intentional in being present, but keeping distance this time around.

So... what about this new year/new normal? Well... I survived the Mayan end of the world. I trust you have as well. I had a good Christmas with family and friends. I survived the first fiscal cliff... yes... my middle class taxes went up by $1000. And of course, three more fiscal cliffs will come and go most-likely before I get a new call. OK... I'm being rather cynical, but isn't that really our new normal? I mean... when you look at the pace of life today and the self-absorbing attitudes of many, it's a wonder we have any formative outlook on the aspects of life.

Though I see many similarities to our society and culture to that of the late 1910's and the 1920's leading up to the 1930's depression era. The greed, promiscuity, laziness, self-absorbing, and lack of consideration for others. I share these comparisons from the reading of history and from remembering the reflection of my grandfathers who lived during the era. It literally took a bankruptcy of sorts to bring about needed recalibration of society. This isn't to say that our time in history needs this shock to bring about change. What I'm am saying however, it took some kind of extreme action to bring about change, and we will need something along the same notion to bring about the same kind of prioritizing of life again.

Of course... I know that more went into the Great Depression than what I've mentioned, but the similarities are fascinating. One could even say that the Great Depression also brought about the opposite effect of relying to readily on the government for our needs. Thus... the opposite effect of greed. Both of these anomalies have been 100 years in the making, so while we hope for something different, I'm posing the notion that perhaps it's a new normal!

The new normal is really living out life in an in-flux and insecure fashion. This breeds uncertainty and an unwillingness to give up ones position. Better to be insecure, one might say. I suppose one could look at the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus and say the same things. I'm pretty sure we could look at the empire in the Middle-Ages and make the same comparisons. I'm also pretty sure Luther struggled with this as well... you know... perhaps all of life past and present has been seen as an anxious time. I believe humanity has always noted the fact that we as human beings want... maybe even desired... to be taken care of.

So... maybe.... just maybe... nothing is new under the sun? In every age... era... and time we survive a new normal. Could that be what Life really is?

Welcome to the new normal.

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