Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No Church is an Island

July 7, 2013
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

A Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Priest met at the annual 4th of July picnic. Old friends, they began their usual banter.
'This baked ham is really delicious,' the priest teased the rabbi. 'You really ought to try it. I know it's against your religion, but I can't understand why such a wonderful food should be forbidden.

You don't know what you're missing. You just haven't lived until you've tried Mrs Warren's prized Virginia Baked Ham. Tell me, Rabbi, when are you going to break down and try it?'

The rabbi looked at the priest with a big grin, and said, 'At your wedding.'


After hearing our gospel story today… I know what your thinking… You think I’m going to talk about doing Evangelism…. That I’m going to insist on you going out and knocking on every door in the city of Berkley and bringing in the harvest.

Well… your partially right… there is an element of our faith in Jesus that informs us to share our faith with others outside of this box. You know the Great Commission… that our faith in Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples.
That faith in Jesus demonstrates God’s love & grace for us. That faith in Jesus can and will bring life & life more abundantly.

So… YES my friends you are to share your faith with people outside this box… who often believe a Hodge Podge of beliefs and a kind-of do-it-yourself religiosity need to hear & see demonstrated our faith as grace and love found in Jesus.

So… YES… this story of Jesus sending out his disciples 2 by 2 is just as relevant for our time and place as it was then. And YES… there are risks and challenges, and obstacles in doing this, but we are commanded to share the story nonetheless. So what do we have to fear?... Franklin Roosevelt said, “Fear Itself”… but according to Jesus… Vs 19… “Nothing can harm you.”

I was reading the history of the merger between St. Peter’s and Gethsemane to form Cana that took place in 1980. I found it interesting and informative about the issues you were facing at the time. But what was most interesting was a newsletter article from Pr. Hansen of St. Peter who wrote, “We don’t have a financial problem… we have a people problem… it’s our reluctance to share our faith with others.”

My friends… that picture hasn’t changed in 30+ years… we still have the same issue today as you had back in the 1970’s.

Our story today addresses the lack of our readiness to share with others. However… there are a couple of things that standout for me in this reading besides the obvious that I’ve already mentioned, and which I believe are important just the same.
First… Jesus sends his friends out in teams… and
Second… that they are to totally rely on the Generosity & Hospitality of others.

Working Together.
I understand the team part of Jesus’ message here. Jesus understands & knows this will be a challenge… so he has them work together as a team. Working together makes the load lighter… right! When everyone does their part the work gets done more effectively. When one gets bogged down the other can lift up.It’s hard to roll the ball uphill by yourself… when others help it rolls much easier. Working together is just a smarter and more effective way to do things.

A great example of this I’m told is your VBS week. It’s a week where young & old come together and work together to share Jesus with the community. Did you hear what I said?
o   You come together…
o   You work together…
o   To share Jesus in the community… TOGETHER!!!

Working together… Just makes it better… RIGHT!!! However, I know our culture tells us that it all up to us as individuals. That it’s up to ME… It’s up to the pastor… or the Chair of the Learning Team… or whomever… We know that really doesn’t work… and I really don’t see many Lutherans walking the streets of Berkley knocking on doors sharing Jesus. But you’re sharing Jesus in the community during that VBS week by working together…  In what other ways could we do this by working together?

Hospitality & Generosity.
Jesus told them not to take anything with them. Vs 4… “Don’t take any money, or travel bag, or even a pair of shoes.” Jesus’ friends must depend on the Hospitality & Generosity of other. Most of us find this kind of dependency uncomfortable. We would rather make sure we have everything covered before we venture out… after-all… we want to be prepared.

When we depend on others we become vulnerable and we don’t like that. We want to show that we have our lives together… that things are good. All this makes me wonder… how might we demonstrate Hospitality & Generosity more effectively? 

What might it mean to be more Hospitable & Generous to others?
-       Gather in small groups where your seated and for a couple of minutes come up with some ideas on how you might do this.
Ask for ideas…See you have it in you… You have great ideas…

When we do this work together we gain confidence, when we are hospitable & generous we open ourselves to sharing faith, life, and Jesus. This is the picture we get from the Apostle Paul in Romans 12… where he writes about all of us being part of the body of Christ. “No man, writes John Donne, is an Island.” “The loss of any, he went on to say, diminishes each.” The same is true that No Church is an Island either.
The church is a community… meaning many… of faith.
It’s a community of faith that shares faith together.
It’s a community of faith that demonstrates hospitality & generosity together.
It’s a community of faith that dreams… shares… works together for the kingdom of God.

Thomas Merton wrote… “Every man is a piece of myself, for I am a part and a member of mankind. Every Christian is a part of my own body, because we are members of Christ.”

“What I do is also done for them and with them and by them. What they do is done in me and by me and for me. But each of us remains responsible for his own share in the life of the whole body.”

What I believe Jesus is telling us this morning is that none of us are Lone Rangers… none of us is an island… we are a community of faith… and we do this TOGETHER!!!

See You Out on the Road


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