Mark 6:1-13
There is a Peanuts comic strip in which Linus is listening carefully as his sister, Lucy, boasts about her religious faith and her potential as an evangelist.
She says to Linus: "I could be a terrific evangelist.
Do you know that kid who sits behind me in school? I convinced him that my
religion is better than his religion."
Linus asks: "How did you do that?"
Lucy replies: "I hit him with my lunch box."
Our bible story
today is in part a familiar one and in part one that we often don’t want to
hear about. In part, Jesus goes home, gets snubbed by those who know him most,
and quite literally gets tossed out of town. As Jesus leaves he tells them, “Prophets are honored by everyone, except
the people in their hometown and their family.” Before he leaves he heals a
couple of people, and to sort-of say, “Yeh OK,” then heads out to neighboring
Jesus and his
friends find respite in a neighboring town and talk about a new strategy. A shift will take place… Jesus is no
longer going to be the only God-spokesman… Jesus is now empowering his friends
with this new strategy to go out and tell people about the kingdom of God.
OH NO!!!! I can hear you all thinking… it’s that dreaded word… EVANGELISM!!!!!
OH NO!!!! I can hear you all thinking… it’s that dreaded word… EVANGELISM!!!!!
Before your blood pressure rises too far… RELAX…. I’m not suggesting that you go out and knock on doors or stand on the corner with a sign saying John 3:16 or repent! on it. However, I don’t want to leave you with the impression that this is only for the professional church people like me… “The Pastor” either. The truth of the matter is… our gospel lesson today is meant for all of us, not as something we need to do to gain points with God, but as a way to participate with God and what he is already doing in the world.
Theologian David Lose states, “it’s
about the role each of us are invited to play in sensing, experiencing, and
making known God’s will and work in the world.”
However, many Lutherans have
a knee-jerk fear about works righteousness and that “God” or more to the point
“We” may think we are doing this for our salvation. Bill Hybel in his book, “Walk Across the Room” says, “One thing I’ve learned is that life’s
great moments evolve from simple acts of cooperation with God’s mysterious
promptings-nudges that always lean toward finding what’s been lost and freeing
what’s been enslaved.”
Jesus makes the
point to his friends, whom I believe were just as anxious as us about going out
to talk about God’s kingdom, what Jesus is saying… there really are no special
requirements to doing this work. Jesus empowers them to Force out Demons and heal
the Sick and to share Grace. Has anyone kicked out any demons lately? But I’ll
bet you’ve offered some grace!
Jesus tells them, I’ve taught you everything you need know….
don’t need any money.
don’t need to take food or a travel bag.
people will be hospitable and will care for you… if so, share God’s message… if
not, shake the dust off your feet and move on.
by the way… you can take a walking stick and some shoes.
Jesus’ instruction here is meant to free us from the cumbersome fears we’ve placed in front of us about sharing faith. The truth is… we are all more than equipped to share with others about our life of faith.
About a year ago a
guy called me looking for some help. He had called a couple of previous times
and I wasn’t able to help him. He didn’t live in our area and thus kind of
blowing him off. But this time was different. I had a nudging from the Holy
Spirit to respond differently on this day. His call was for help in getting a
resume to a potential employer as well as some food help. I asked him where he
lived. He told me on the North end of Flint. If you know anything about Flint,
you know that the North end is the most dangerous part of the city. Flint is
the murder capital of the country and most of them happen in the North end. So
I asked him if we could meet at a McDonalds or something like that. A person
needs to be prudent. So… we met and he began to share his story. You see he was
just released from prison serving 25 years for attempted murder and robbery. I
just got a bit more anxious after hearing that, but nonetheless I continued to
listen to his story. The Spirit calmed my anxiety and I just listened as he
shared his life. He knew I was a pastor, so sharing my story of faith just
naturally came. In the end, I helped him get the resume to where it need to0
get and gave him a food card.
I don’t know what he is doing now. I don’t know if he got that job. I have never been contacted by him since. I just know that when the Holy Spirit nudges me… I need to pay attention. My point is that our story today opens up the path for us to share our lives with others, and Jesus empowers us to do so.
Jesus sent out his friends two by two to share life and faith with others. Being a Hometown Prophet doesn’t need to be an unpleasant experience. It’s really about sharing life and being friends with people you meet. Then, waiting on the Holy Spirit to prompt you to share faith.
As Bill Hybels says, “it can be as simple as walking across a room… just a few ordinary Spirit-guided steps can have truly extraordinary outcomes.”
I’d like to finish with all of us praying this prayer together… this prayer is from Pr. Meredith Musaus from Holy Cross Lutheran, Menomonee, Wi.
L: Let us pray together.
C: Your church is composed of people like me.
- I help make it what it is.
- It will be friendly, if I am.
- Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
- It will do great work, if I work.
- It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver.
- I help make it what it is.
- It will be friendly, if I am.
- Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
- It will do great work, if I work.
- It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver.
- It will bring other people
into its worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them.
- It will be a church where people grow in faith and serve you, if I am open to such growth and
- It will be a church where people grow in faith and serve you, if I am open to such growth and
Therefore, with
your help Lord, we shall dedicate ourselves to the task of being all the things
you want your church to be. Amen.
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