Monday, May 6, 2013

Spirit Factor

May 5, 2013                                             
John 14:23-29

I saw a T-shirt the other day with this printed on it… “Did you ever get the feeling that life is like a bird and you’re the parked car?”


Last week we reflected on Jesus’ new command to “Love One Another.” Our story today remains in that same context. It is the context of Judas leaving, Jesus predicting Peter’s denial, then Jesus crucifixion.  This setting or context ranges from chapter 12- 17 is about Jesus’ last week on earth. So… Jesus is spending this last week preparing or at least trying to prepare his friends for his departure. Thus we see at the beginning of Chp 14 Jesus doing this.
o     He tells his friends not to worry.
o    That he is going to prepare a place for them, but they can’t go with him… at least not at this point.
o    His friends wonder how they will get to where Jesus is going if they don’t know the way.
o    Jesus tells them that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
o    But they still didn’t get it.
o    Jesus tells them to have faith in him and in God, and that they will do even greater things than he.
Then Jesus goes back to his love language telling his friends to love people, and that he will send his Holy Spirit to help them.
Which… is where our story today begins.

Do you remember the TV shows of MASH, Cheers, Seinfeld, and Friends?
These are some of the greatest TV show in history. Why do you suppose this is true? What was it about these TV shows that endeared them to us?

I believe for the most part these shows were about life… the ups & downs. They helped us dream about what could be. They offered a sense of belonging and comfort. It was a place where everyone knew your name… a place where you could be friends and build a relationship. There was an intimacy or a Spirit Factor that drew us to them. These shows had a Love, Trust, Peace, a sense of Belonging, Community, and an Identity about them that our spirits crave. These are the things that the world has a hard time giving us… in fact, can’t give us.

What can a Spirit Factor do for us at Cross Lutheran?

 Spirit Factor Empowers Us.
If we take a look back at the first part of Chp 14… Jesus tells his friends of a life-altering Spirit Factor that will change everything for them. You see… Jesus spent 3 years teaching & training them to do God’s work after he leaves. Jesus’ only requirement… was too have faith in him, and faith in God. And, Jesus spirit will help them with all of this.

Similarly… Jesus offers us this same life-altering Spirit Factor that will change and transform our lives.
Do we have faith in Jesus?... do we have faith in God?
Does Cross Lutheran have faith in Jesus?... in God?
Jesus tells his friends if they do have faith they will do GREAT things… in fact they will do even GREATER things than Jesus.

If you have faith Cross Lutheran… you will do GREAT things for the kingdom of God.
The Spirit Factor of Jesus will empower you to the greater works of God.

Spirit Factor Gives Direction.
Jesus spent 3 years teaching his friends to Love God, Love Others, to Follow Him… and to have faith & believe. Simple Right!! These are simple basic teachings that give direction for our lives and our lives as community. These are the teachings that we crave… and that the world can’t provide. Teaching of Love, Trust, Peace, Belonging, Community, and Identity. And the Spirit continues in teaching and reminding us of these things. To Love God, Love Others, to Follow Jesus, and to have faith & believe.
These are our directives for living.

Spirit Factor Gives Peace. 
The peace Jesus gives us through the Spirit is not the world’s definition of peace.
-                             Having a nice home in the safe burbs will not give peace.
-                             Having a secure job or a high income is not peace.
-                             Having lots of things will not bring you happiness or peace. 

    This is the part that I felt like I was the parked car... I can tell you that I didn't find any peace this past week. Last Thursday I learned that I will not be going to serve a church in Port Huron. Some things came apart and I'm not going. The powers that be within the synod told me not to worry that there are a couple of options. She told me that we have your back covered. (I gave the look of not being convinced.) You know the look. Yet I had a peace about the whole event. I know God will provide... I know this because I've experienced it. So... as the events unwind and they seem to be chaotic, I still have a peace about how and what might happen. That peace is in here... (touching my heart).
     Peace comes when our lives are transformed by the living presence of Jesus in our lives. And
     this peace Jesus gives us through the Holy Spirit is more than we can ever imagine. What does
     peace in our lives mean?
          Peace… means the end of all hate, but it also means so much more.
          Peace… means a feeling of inner well-being, but it also means so much more.
          Peace… means an end to emotional & disturbing tensions, but it also means so much   
          Peace… means the settling of the soul, but it also means so much more.

This peace is not a passive peace… it’s an active and working peace that propelled Jesus’ friends into an active discipleship and mission, and will propel us as well. Peace is confidence in the Spirit that goes beyond a place where everyone knows your name, and into the arms of God who loves more than just your name.

There is an ancient Greek legend that when the gods made the human species, they fell to arguing where to put the answers to life so the humans would have to search for them.

One god said, "Let's put the answers on top of a mountain. They will never look for them there."

"No," said the others. "They'll find them right away."

Another of the gods said, "Let's put them in the center of the earth. They will never look for them there."

"No," said the others. "They'll find them right away."

Then another spoke. "Let's put them in the bottom of the sea. They will never look for them there."

"No," said the others. "They'll find them right away."

Silence fell ....

After a while, another god spoke. "We can put the answers to life within them. They will never look for them there."

And so they did.

The Spirit Factor Empowers Us, Gives Direction, and Gives Peace. My friends… it’s all within all of us.

See You Out on the Road

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