Thursday, May 23, 2013

Zip-Line and Faith

This past weekend I had the opportunity to scratch off one of my bucket-list items... Zip-Lining. Kathy & I, and our oldest daughter and her family spent the weekend in Mackinaw City. For me it was about getting some rest... the daughter, son-in-law, grand-kids went to Mackinac Island, and we rested by taking a drive. Although it wasn't the best time to be up there... there was a gigantic May-Fly hatch and there were billions of fly's that coated everything. Nonetheless... it was a good time and we enjoyed ourselves and the time to rejuvenate. 

While we were up there we decided to go to one of Michigan's original tourist traps... "The Mystery Spot" just west of St. Ignace. Kathy and I were there 38 years ago on our honeymoon. While there have been some up dates to the "Spot" it still looks pretty much the same as it did on our honeymoon, one thing new is they now have a 1000 ft zip-Line now and my opportunity to scratch off a bucket-list     
item of zip-lining.

For the adventurist type... like me... this was a no-brainer... I was doing it, but Kathy and our daughter not so much. So... the son-in-law, grand kids, and I went for the two tiered zip-line and it was a blast.

While zip-lining can be dangerous, and there are regulations and protocols to be adhered to... it is relatively safe and a lot of fun to do. And... it does take a bit of faith to run off a platform attached to a cable some 30 ft above the ground. Furthermore, if your like me a bit on the hefty side, it can take a bit more faith to take that plunge. Of course... I didn't have that problem, being the adventurist type, but the heart did beat a bit faster than normal.

All this to say... the zip-line can be a metaphor for our faith. It is literally a leap of faith to run off that platform. If we can place our faith in the harness surrounding us and connecting us to the cable life-line, then to make that leap shouldn't be much of a problem. 

One person on the platform did hesitate for a moment as they were unsure of making the leap. However, after watching others make the leap... they were able to do the same. Did this person have less faith? Hard to say... but leaps and faith do say something about our faith. Are we open and willing to take leaps of faith? Do we do these leaps only after we are assured it will be ok? or are we willing to take such leaps on faith alone? The bible story of Peter attempting to walking on water comes to mind here.

The zip-line may be a relatively safe leap of faith for many, yet it can be challenging to make that leap because of fear. Our faith in God can be the same and for many in the church it is pretty safe too. But I've talked to people who struggle to have faith in a God who allows death and destruction to take place. To have faith in a God where people are hurt and killed for no apparent reason. To have faith in someone unseen and unproven can be a particular hindrance to faith. I'm reminded of doubting Thomas where he had to see Jesus himself before he believed.

In life... there is a point where you have to make the jump... the leap... take the step into which is unknown. And when one does this they are doing it on faith. Whether it is faith in themself or faith in God. 

The zip-line was a thrill to scratch off my bucket-list, and for me it reminded me of my trust in a God who provides if I'm willing to to leap off the ramp for the ride of a life time.  

See You Out On the Road


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