Friday, April 18, 2014

Series: Making Change... Change of Focus

Palm Sunday
April 13, 2014                                                         Matt. 26:17-30

This Lenten season we’ve been reflecting on “Making Change”… not just the physical or outward change of doing things differently… but about Making Change here…. In our hearts. By making heart change… we assure ourselves that the other kinds of change will fall into place.

There’s a story of a company attempting to start a new pension plan, which required 100% participation. Every employee signed up except one. No amount of argument or persuasion could get this person to change his mind. Finally, the president of the company called the man into his office. He told the man, “Here is a copy of the proposed pension plan and here is a pen. Sign up or you're fired.” The man immediately picked up the pen and signed his name. The president of the company then said, “I don't understand why you refused to sign until now. What was your problem?” The man replied, “You're the first person who explained it to me clearly.” 
Is this how you make change?
So… how have you been doing at making heart change?

If your struggling to make change in your life… perhaps you need a…“Change of Focus”


Today is Palm Sunday in the season of Lent…. It means a couple of things…
              1. That the conclusion of Lent is near. It also means that we get to celebrate the joyous
                   & triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. For many… Palm Sunday is about
                   Joy & Excitement & Anticipation.
              2. And it’s the last week of Jesus’ life. Even though… his friends still haven’t figured it
                  out. For Jesus’ friends… they’re thinking Jesus is finally going to do something                             about the Roman occupation. That Jesus is somehow going to bring justice for the 
                  Jews. Well… we know that’s not exactly what happens. And…while some celebrate
                  Jesus as the coming King of the Jews… others not so much.

It seems things are changing… and for Jesus it’s a change in focus. For Jesus… his focus now becomes more intentional towards God, his father. While some will paint Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a justice/political move… I believe the message Jesus brings is one of focus on faith & belief in God…. Not political nor justice. Not that Jesus didn’t speak about such things… but now, Jesus is demonstrating the big picture of God’s vision, and I believe it is one of Faith & Belief.

By the time we get to Palm Sunday and the 4 days that follow we see Jesus’ focus doing just that… demonstrating the big picture. Jesus cleanses the Temple… Curses the fig tree… the fig tree is symbolic of the nation. Challenges the Pharisee’s… talks about heaven & life in the future. Talks about the most important commandment. Chastises the Pharisee’s… these are the religious leaders… pastors. Weeps for Jerusalem and her people. Talks of the Temple crumbling to the ground. And final judgment.

From today, Palm Sunday, it’s 5 action packed chapters of 4 days in the life of Jesus… 4 days of Jesus trying to change the focus towards God. For me… the significance of Palm Sunday comes on day 5 when Jesus gathers his friends for a final meal of which finally to some extent does change the focus of his friends. And… this gathering can change our focus in 3 ways when we see Jesus as…

The Real Presence of God.
The gospels, especially Luke, feature Jesus taking part in a lot of meals. Whether Jesus is visiting Mary & Martha, Zachaeus, Peters mother-in-law, feeding the 5000… Jesus eats pretty well. It seems when Jesus is present with people… so is a lot of food. So… it seems fitting that Jesus would gather his friends for a final meal. And not only as a practical matter, but also as a sign or sacramental matter too.

When Jesus invites whether it’s the 5000, Mary & Martha, his friends, or others he takes the bread, blesses it, breaks it, and give it to his friends as an act of hospitality… and if you think about it… it’s the in-breaking of God into our lives. Jesus… after his resurrection walks the Emmaus Rd with 2 believers and they don’t recognize him… it’s only after they share bread that their eyes are opened… (Luke 24:28-34) So… for us as people of faith… sacramentally… the bread from which we share is Jesus as the real presence of God.

The second way we can have a change of focus is when we see Jesus as…
Sign and Sacrifice
When Jesus takes the cup of wine he’s changing the focus of the Jewish blood covenant of animal sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. In the cup of wine, Jesus uses the wine as a sign of His blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Just as the bread is a sign of God’s hospitality… the wine is the sign of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf for our sin. So… when Jesus says, “Take and Eat” and “Take and Drink” he does two things…
1.     It’s a new agreement or covenant with God. No longer do people have to have a yearly animal blood sacrifice. Jesus does this once for all.
2.     Jesus is now the sacrifice that forgives sins for all people. There’s no need to make offerings & overtures for sins to be forgiven.

Which leads to the 3rd way we can have a change of focus… Jesus as…
Grace & Forgiveness
In this last meal… Judas is present. We’re pretty harsh with Judas as we see him as the villain in the story. Perhaps… rightfully so… but he’s present with Jesus. If we believe the bread & wine that Jesus offers all his friends is an invitation to grace & forgiveness… Well… Judas was there for that. However you understand what Judas did or have placed judgment upon him it’s really not for us to judge. We might be surprised in heaven on who’s there and who’s not.

Theologian Greg Carey states… “Preachers can help congregations grapple with the relationship between grace and judgment. Matthew never explains what Jesus means when he pronounces woe upon his betrayer: is Judas doomed because of God’s judgment or simply because of the path he has chosen? Nevertheless, popular imagination cannot hold grace and judgment together. Jesus Christ does: judgment often bears grace; grace always tempers judgment. Though judged, Judas eats with the other disciples nonetheless.”

Jesus feeds his betrayer… remember the Pharisee’s question… “Why do you eat with tax collectors & sinners?” I believe it’s because the story of Jesus is God’s story of Grace & Forgiveness. And… I believe it’s the Change of Focus Jesus desires us to make in this Lenten season. It’s the change of focus the church needs to make as well.

Today we celebrate Jesus joyous entry into our lives and we celebrate in the means of grace of a holy meal of bread and wine. It’s the means by which we sinners… all of us… have the opportunity to receive grace & forgiveness when we share in Holy Communion. If we are looking to change the focus of our lives… today is a great day to do so. It will help us make the heart change we desire and help us make change in our lives.


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