Monday, December 16, 2013

The Waiting Room... Expectations

Dec 15, 2013               
Matt. 11:2-11

We’re still waiting in the waiting room waiting for baby to be born. Remember the image I asked you to have? That of pregnant women waiting in a doctor’s waiting room. It’s starting to get uncomfortable and… ladies I’m sure you can’t wait for this to be done with. You’re in the final weeks and you want nothing more for it to be all over with. Perhaps you’re getting moody… and impatient… right guys… we’re ready too for it to be over with. Soon… and very soon this baby will be born… then a bunch of new expectations will arrive.

We’ve been reflecting this Advent season on waiting. There’s something about waiting that’s both exciting and agitating. Like being pregnant and waiting for your child to be born. It’s exciting when you first learn your going to have a baby. But as time goes and the baby grows it gets… well… uncomfortable to say the least.

We don’t like waiting… we are an impatient people… Our attitude, at least as Americans is… “we want it and we want it now.”

We’ve reflected on the past weeks about being surprised by God’s love and we’ve been encouraged to make preparations for what God is going to do next. And today our reflection will focus on Expectations.

Our gospel story today is a great illustration about expectations. John the Baptist is in jail and he has heard about what Jesus is doing. And he’s curious if Jesus is the one Messiah all the prophets have spoken of. I find this puzzling… didn’t John baptize Jesus? Didn’t he see and hear the Spirit of the Lord come upon Jesus? Didn’t John say all those things about the one coming that’s more powerful than he… So much so that he wasn’t worthy enough to tie his shoes… YES… it’s all in chapter 3.

So… I find this rather curious… that now in chapter 11… he wants to know if Jesus is indeed the Messiah. Really John… you see... the Jewish people had been waiting and expecting God to do something. That God would send them a Messiah to rule the kingdom. They’re expecting God to punish the Romans and return the land back to them. They’re expecting God to fix their situation. That’s why John sends some of his followers to find out… "Jesus are you the one? Or are we to continue the wait?" Perhaps, John wants to really know if all his work was worth the effort.  Jesus says, "tell John… all the things I’m doing"… that should be proof enough.

What are your expectations this Advent season?  This Christmas season? Maybe you like me find that your expectations are often not met. Every Christmas as a child I waited and expected my dad to somehow recognize me and my efforts at trying to please him.
Each and every Christmas I was disappointed.
Each and every Christmas I would try harder… and each year nothing but disappointment.
Each year I hoped Christmas would be better for me, but it never turned out that way.

For many years I struggled… though it’s not as much a struggle as it once was, but nonetheless I see myself and others who have such great expectations about trying to satisfy others only to be disappointed. Each year we dream for it to be different this year. And each year we wait with the expectation of acknowledgement.

I believe we sometimes see God in this manner.  We work hard and try to meet such lofty expectations of what we think God wants from us. Or, we think we have met the threshold, only to be our own disappointment because we think we’ve failed and that God is the disappointed one. I thought this. I thought I was good… did what I was told… sacrificed… did the right things. Those were the expectations. I thought I met them. You see… Jesus says in our story… what sort of person did you go out to see? What did he look like? What did you expect? Did he look like a prophet? What were your expectations? What did you think John would be like? Well Jesus… I thought…_______________.

Then Jesus says that John the Baptist is the greatest person ever born on the earth… think about that!! Today... when you look at John the Baptist you find a man we would dismiss as a lunatic and a vagrant. John wouldn’t be on most people’s guest list for Christmas dinner. The Jewish people were expecting a king, and someone who would bring back the glory days of the kingdom. Jesus says, “John is the best person ever born on the earth!” Expectation disappointment for the Jews again. Furthermore… What does that say to us about Jesus?

We live our lives with such lofty expectations and that we must do so much to garner love and acceptance that we often miss the one expectation of God’s love. And that love my friends… is that God loves us no matter what. Even when we break God’s heart, when we disappoint, when we fail to be the kinds of persons God wants us to be…God expects us to love Him, and when we don’t, God still loves us nonetheless. It doesn't make sense does it!

As we enter this final week before Christmas lets lower the expectations we seem to place on ourselves and others and just love others and ourselves no matter what happens. Let’s forget about  trying to please others and just love them nonetheless. Let’s just try and open the door of our hearts and let God and others in…


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