Texting is the new mode of communicating these days. Yes, even I have found myself doing this more and more. I would prefer not too. I would prefer to talk face to face with a person. Texting while efficient, is often not all that effective at learning about someone or something.
Pastors often do biblical texting to prove their points. We often look thru the bible texts to find specific texts that help us to make our sermons biblically authentic. I remember a pastor I was listening to make a statement, then quote a passage from the New Testament chapter and verse to prove his point... then he would say, "Right" after the quote. It was like, what he was saying, "this is truth." You've heard pastors do this! You've heard Christians do this... you are talking with them about a particular subject. Then the conversation turns a bit more intense, then they throw it out.... book, chapter, and verse to prove their argument.
While I admire people who know their bible like this, I often do not like how they sort of lord it over people and make others feel inadequate in their faith because they can't spout off chapter and verse.
Me.... I'm more of a story person. I remember biblical stories. Zacheus, Peter & Cornelius, Paul at the Acropolis, the Women at the Well... you get the picture. Stories are what made the Bible what it is. People told stories of the faith. Stories bring people together. Unlike texting, stories have texture. Stories connect people to history... in many ways stories connect us to each other.
Jesus told stories... he didn't proof text his stories. He often quoted the scripture story, not a particular text, but the story. There was no book, chapter, and verse when Jesus told stories. Jesus told stories about real life and often used his own experience in the story. He would share stories from the world he inhabited to bring out a greater truth.
While the text is often informative I believe it's the story that open us up to the truth of God. The text can be efficient, but it is the story that brings faith to life. Stories transform, text informs. What would you prefer to hear from your pastor? A bunch of text or a story that transforms your life. Perhaps, it would be more effective to learn the Jesus story, then share how that story has transformed your life.
See You Out on the Road
Pastors often do biblical texting to prove their points. We often look thru the bible texts to find specific texts that help us to make our sermons biblically authentic. I remember a pastor I was listening to make a statement, then quote a passage from the New Testament chapter and verse to prove his point... then he would say, "Right" after the quote. It was like, what he was saying, "this is truth." You've heard pastors do this! You've heard Christians do this... you are talking with them about a particular subject. Then the conversation turns a bit more intense, then they throw it out.... book, chapter, and verse to prove their argument.
While I admire people who know their bible like this, I often do not like how they sort of lord it over people and make others feel inadequate in their faith because they can't spout off chapter and verse.
Me.... I'm more of a story person. I remember biblical stories. Zacheus, Peter & Cornelius, Paul at the Acropolis, the Women at the Well... you get the picture. Stories are what made the Bible what it is. People told stories of the faith. Stories bring people together. Unlike texting, stories have texture. Stories connect people to history... in many ways stories connect us to each other.
Jesus told stories... he didn't proof text his stories. He often quoted the scripture story, not a particular text, but the story. There was no book, chapter, and verse when Jesus told stories. Jesus told stories about real life and often used his own experience in the story. He would share stories from the world he inhabited to bring out a greater truth.
While the text is often informative I believe it's the story that open us up to the truth of God. The text can be efficient, but it is the story that brings faith to life. Stories transform, text informs. What would you prefer to hear from your pastor? A bunch of text or a story that transforms your life. Perhaps, it would be more effective to learn the Jesus story, then share how that story has transformed your life.
See You Out on the Road
I have to agree - knowing the exact quotes and placement in the Bible is nice but can one read and know 50 - 100 - 200 - different versions that are out there of same verse? I think if we put all the other ideal away except that of Jesus and OUR individual reaonsing and story as you put it the idea of love and being REAL in faith would take the values we believe in to a whole new level!